Coastal Engineering Services, Lubrication specialists, Assalub, Graco, Lincoln, Whitmores, Luneta CMP, greasemeter, oilpump, greasepump, Des-Case, Woerner, Luneta, LocknLube, Oil-Safe, centralized lubrication Hilco, oil filtration, filter, oil storage, oil filtration, oil storage, Lubmon flow monitor, timer controller, coastal engineering, Oil-Safe spouts, Oil-Safe lids, Oil-Safe drums, Lubrication training, lube truck design

Coastal Engineering Services

Lubrication Specialists                                  Call: 506-432-5623


Assalub is a manufacturer of flow meters, centralized lubrication systems, metering valves and distribution pumps.

                              MK II Grease Meter


            Centralized Lubrication Pump (Multi-port)

Lubmon Lube Flow Monitor. Sends a positive signal back to lubrication system controller when lube flow has been detected...a sure way to know that the bearing has received the lube it was intended to receive during a lubrication cycle. Available in aluminum and stainless steel construction.

For more info, please visit their website