Coastal Engineering Services, Lubrication specialists, Assalub, Graco, Lincoln, Whitmores, Luneta CMP, greasemeter, oilpump, greasepump, Des-Case, Woerner, Luneta, LocknLube, Oil-Safe, centralized lubrication Hilco, oil filtration, filter, oil storage, oil filtration, oil storage, Lubmon flow monitor, timer controller, coastal engineering, Oil-Safe spouts, Oil-Safe lids, Oil-Safe drums, Lubrication training, lube truck design

Coastal Engineering Services

Lubrication Specialists                                  Call: 506-432-5623

     Luneta CMP Sight Glass

     This is next generation of sight glasses for your gearboxes and hydraulic reservoirs. Not only is the CMP (condition monitoring pod)a sight glass but it also allows you to take oil samples, monitor iron wear debris and take eye dropper samples to do crackle tests and check for corrosion.


For more info, please visit link below.